Part 12: Conflict
Chapter 11: Conflict

Welcome back, children. I'm glad to see you're all feeling well today.

No thanks to you.

Oh, you big baby. You clearly got better.

He hasn't been able to sit right since last time, though.

Can we not talk about my painful and embarrassing injuries please?

You're no fun.

Anyway, today I will continue on with what directly followed our defeat of Alan the shapeshifter.

We knew the Church of the Divine Mother was behind everything. Their leader was a man named Noir...

We all find ourselves craving escape.
Loss, setback, failure, death of the people dearest to us. This is part of life.
We must learn to accept it, to feel grateful for it.
In these times of need, our only source of strength and support is the Divine Mother.
She is always in each of our hearts.
Everyone... Close your eyes... and pray to the Divine Mother.
I'm sure she will ease your suffering.

Master Noir...
Your Apostle Alan has been defeated by La Pucelle from the Church of the Holy Maiden.


...He sold his soul to us in return for a chance to revive his dead wife.
He used the body we gave him to slaughter many humans in Pot au Feu City.
Thanks to him, the dark energies there are up nearly 4%.

...Ah yes, I remember now.
Forget about him.
He was never one of us.
He wasn't fit to enter our divine utopia.
Those do-gooders merely saved us the trouble of taking care of him ourselves...

Okay, hold on again. I know I've said this a lot, but that was a conversation between what seems like two of the main villains. How the hell did you interview either of them after the fact?

If you must know, I had help from some crazy ghost time witch.

Crazy ghost time witch?

That's hard to believe.

Yeah, I met a crazy ghost time witch one day and got her to help me fill in the blanks.

Oh, come on, what are the chances of running into a crazy ghost time witch? Really?

Fine. If you don't believe me I'll call her up and get her down here. I won't be responsible for what happens after that, though. Anyway, while we're waiting for you to be humiliated again, I'll finish the story.

But to think that they're in league with demons...

It's hard to believe!
We've got to get everyone together and kick their butts!!

Calm down.
The situation isn't as simple as you think.

Sister Alouette is right.

...What do you mean?

Listen, Prier...
Almost 70% of the people in the Kingdom of Paprica belong to the Church of the Divine Mother.
Do you think we can openly oppose such a powerful organization?
It could lead to the downfall of our church, and the kingdom of Paprica itself.

Did I miss anything?

W-who are you???!

Oh, yes, let me introduce him to you, Father.
This is Croix.
He's a freelance demon hunter. He helped us solve our last case.
He also saved Culotte's life. Right?


Forget about it. That was no big deal.
But I think it was fate that I met up with you guys. How about giving me a job here?
I can't exactly go back to the Church of the Divine Mother now.
And I'm actually quite skilled as a demon hunter.
My price is 2000 prica a month, plus room and board. How about it?

From what I can tell, he's an extraordinary demon hunter.
I think he'd be of use to us.

I... see...
...Very well. I'll trust Sister Alouette's judgement.

All right!
I won't let you down. Thanks!

(He's holding Sister Alouette's hand!
He's not just joining up to get closer to her, is he?!
I'll have to keep an eye on this guy!!)

Glad to have you!
So, Father... What's the plan for today?

You must go to Cresson Castle and inform the Queen that we have solved the murders.


In the name of the Maiden of Light...
May the Goddess Poitreene watch over you all.

In the name of the Maiden of Light...

I didn't know then why Father Salade was acting the way he was. How little we knew back then...

Is this going to be another random side-note from a perspective you couldn't possibly have seen?

Okay, that's it. You asked for it kid. When she won't go the hell away just remember it's your fault she's here.



Hey Lujei.

Oh, it's horny-worny overlordy. And little kiddie-widdies.

What did she just call us?

And they can talk! They're so cute. Why, I could just eat their precious little eyes!

Lujei, focus for a second. Remember back when we first met?

When we watched that gorgeous man with the black hair make fun plans?

See! I told you!

There really is a crazy ghost time witch!

Oh, you hurt Lujei's feelings. Lujei's going to go cry now. La la la!

Thanks for making me do that, jerk. Now we all get to suffer. Anyway, next time assuming we can get her to shut up I'll tell you about our trip to the castle.

Ooh, a castle! Can I be a Queen today?

Don't know who the hell just showed up? Luckily for you, I've updated the character roster in the OP with a brief explanation of who the hell Lujei is and why she's here!